Please follow these instructions carefully without skipping any of the details. Should after reading this document over, you find that some of the technical references seem to complex, please either contact our office for assistance, or seek the assistance of your existing local technical support representative for networking and hardware issues.
Understanding Running On A Large LAN
Power Broker can be configured, so that the program is executed on the workstation hard drive, with only data files transferred over the LAN or remote connection.
Who should use this configuration?
These steps need to be completed EVERY TIME you do a Power Broker upgrade so choose wisely if you really need to use this configuration or not.
In general, the best option of deciding to use this configuration would be to contact our technical support staff.
The technical support staff will ask questions like:
How many users use Power Broker in your office?
What type of computers do you have in your office and how much RAM do they each have?
How strong are your network cards?
Are you using a wireless network ( which would be bad for Power Broker )?
Are you on a Terminal Server network?
How many servers does your office presently use?
Once a few questions like this have been reviewed the technical support staff will suggest that Running on a Large LAN is the proper configuration for your office.
In some cases, an office may be using this configuration for years, but do not actually need it anymore because of an improvement in hardware changes. If you wish to know if it’s still imperative to use this configuration, please contact our office and someone will be happy to go over some of the pre-requisites with you to see if this setup is still necessary.
Prepare and Configure
IF you do fall into the category that this configuration is needed for your office, or that you are already using this configuration, you would first start by opening Windows Explorer and browsing to your existing C:\BRO folder on a workstation. Open this folder, and empty the previous 27 files, and of any .tmp files that may be stored in this folder. If you do NOT have a C:\BRO folder, then click on your C:\ drive, and at the top of Windows Explorer, choose ‘File’, ‘New’, and then ‘Folder’. On the other side of the screen will now display ‘NewFolder’ waiting for you to type in a new name. Type BRO.
Browse to your J:\BRO folder and right click over your CONFIG.FPW file and EDIT this file in NOTEPAD.
(we will use drive J:\ in this example)
Add the following lines:
Choose ‘File’ ‘Save’ and then ‘File’ ‘Exit’.
Browse to your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 and edit your AUTOEXEC.NT file in NOTEPAD using the same method.
Add the following line:
Now that you have an empty C:\BRO folder, browse back to your J:\BRO and copy two files back to your C:\BRO
These steps need to be completed EVERY TIME you do a Power Broker upgrade so choose wisely if you really need to use this configuration or not.
If you are in a Terminal Server environment, on your Terminal Server box, you would follow the same rules applied as though it’s a workstation. When your TS user connects, they would now have a new icon pointing to the C:\BRO\BROW.EXE folder. If you have mulitple TS machines for different branches, it follows the same rule.