Commonwell Critical Update 11/1/2019

We will be posting a Power Broker update, November 1/2019 at 9:30pm Eastern Time .
Once you download and install that update, Commonwell Insurance will also be included in this question:

“Base Wawanesa & Commonwell Guidewire policy rollover on (C) Change Policy Number or (A) Assign Policy to New Market ( C/A ) :”

found in Utlities, Define your Company Information, on the EDI Tab at the bottom.

Please note that once this is changed to an <A> Assign Policy to New Market, the system has no choice but to turn “Manual Matching On”.  Once you have gone through the one year process with these companies of migrating all of your policies to Guidewire, you can set the question back to a <C> and Turn Manual matching Off again, which will make merging the daily download a faster process again.

If you have any questions about this, please contact our Technical Support Team for more details.

Update Instructions, click here